St Vincent de Paul Society aims, through the word of God, to bring hope to the hopeless and counselling and love to the sick, and often unloved. Practically they offer food, blankets and beds, medical care and training. The society also visits the sick in their homes daily, provides a nutritional meal to toddlers twice a week and baby food. They give food rations to the destitute (approx. 150 adults). They run a Wellness and Child and Baby Care Clinic and transport those who are seriously ill to doctors and the hospital. The Vincent de Paul Society also provides basic hospice care for the terminally ill, and sponsor education through the provision of school fees and school uniforms.
The Christmas Fair Fund has not only assisted St Vincent de Paul Society by donating funds but some years ago arranged, with the help of a Belgian donor, for a container to be refurbished into a Safe House on their property in Nkobongo. They have a resident nurse who lives in the house and she not only runs the clinic but also visits the sick in the area.